General León 51 in transit, Destination: China
Luis Palacios Kaim /Jorge Ambrosi / Luis Calvillo / Gabriela Etchegaray / Patricia Lagarde / Arturo Marruenda / Jimena Orozco / Santiago Paredes / Margarita Posada / Luis Rodríguez / Leo Tang
March 2012
I understood that it was necessary to uproot the house from its foundations, break free of its perimeter, its neighbors, its identity, its official address. Disorient it, redefine it, open it up, undermine its condition as real estate; invite it to become nomadic. Paradoxically, I needed to pull it up by the roots in order to recover it. It became an urgent need to interrogate it and abuse it. Launch it through the air or over the sea; in short, to turn it on its head. And turning on its head meant, literally, nothing more nor less than sending it to China. • Luis Palacios Kaim
“…this expansion of the horizon enriches ‘our’ territory and at the same time blurs the boundaries: the certainties that separate what is our own and what is other, the private and the public, legal consumption and piracy, the original and the copy, are all called into question.”
(Néstor García Canclini)